Governor's Emergency
Relief Fund

Serve Alabama is the designated state agency lead for the Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund. Serve Alabama provides administrative support and serves as one member of the nine-member committee. The United Ways of Alabama is the designated non-profit partner and the fiscal agent for the fund. The Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund was created after Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina and continues today to support unmet needs for individuals and families recovering from severe weather in Alabama. Over 4 million dollars were donated and awarded to Alabama families with unmet needs after the April 2011 tornado outbreaks.
How Families Receive GERF Funding
As communities begin the long term recovery process post-disaster, local cities and counties often form “Long Term Recovery Committees (LTRC)” made up of local non-profit agencies and community partners. LTRCs are responsible for assessing and vetting the unmet needs of individuals and families in recovery counties. This assessment is typically completed through a disaster case management process for families in need. After LTRCs recognize and confirm unmet needs, the recovery committee can submit funding requests to the Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund. The GERF committee then reviews the application and makes a decision based on available funds and scope of the event statewide. GERF funding is not available through individual requests. Funding applications must be through an area Long Term Recovery Committee.